The Diabetes Reverser (Bundle)
The Diabetes Reverser (Bundle) includes 5 Herbal Compounds:
1.) The Pancreas Restorator 2x 4oz Pouches
2.) The Cell Revitalizer 1x 4 oz Pouch + 1 2oz Pouch
3.) The Gut Restorator 100 Capsules
4) The Parasite Eliminator 100 capsules
5.) The Blood Purifier 100 Capsules
Products Reviews:
The Diabetes Reverser Explained:
The Diabetes Reverser (Bundle) was methodically assembled solely based upon extensive studies and clinical trials. The Diabetes Reverser puts The Pancreas and The Body in it’s entirety in the best environment possible to begin systematically reversing Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Pancreatitis, Pancreatic Cancer etc..
The Diabetes Reverser does a tremendous job of CLEANSING, REVITALIZING & STRENGTHENING The Pancreas by removing excess acids and excess mucus from The Pancreas due to its Alkalizing properties. In turn this will allow The Pancreas to naturally produce insulin to regulate your blood sugar levels. The Diabetes Reverser also cleanses the metabolic waste from around your cells as well as within your cells in order for insulin to penetrate your cells.
Beta Cells (Insulin) carries Alpha Cells (Glucose) into the cells so that the body can produce ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). ATP provides the body with Energy.
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes is when the Adrenal Glands isn't properly communicating with The Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans), which causes The Pancreas to only produce little to no insulin. This is all due to lack of Alkalinity/Electricity within body because there’s too much acidosis within the body.
The aforementioned acidosis within the body derives from the consumption of meat, dairy, eggs, processed sugars and processed foods/drinks. So it’s very important that you deviate from consuming the aforementioned foods and drinks!!!
Proper diet to follow:
(Consume 100% Fruit for Diabetes)
Fruit (Fructose) goes thru what is called Cellular Infusion. Fruit Sugar (Fructose) infuses the natural sugars and turns into ATP and ADP which means that there’s need for glucose since insulin carries glucose so in essence there’s no need your Pancreas to perform these tasks while on an all fruit diet. This will allow your Pancreas to CLEANSE, STRENGTHEN & REVITALIZE itself at an accelerated pace!
Beta Cells (Insulin) carries Alpha Cells (Glucose) into the cells so that the body can produce ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). ATP provides the body with Energy.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes is when The Beta Cells (produces Insulin) (within Pancreas) isn’t able to penetrate your cells due to, too much acidic waste from foods/drinks being around your cells. Due to this, the Beta Cells (Insulin) leaves Glucose (Alpha Cells) inside of the bloodstream which leads to High Blood Glucose Levels.
Once again the aforementioned acidosis within the body derives from the consumption of meat, dairy, eggs, processed sugars and processed foods/drinks. So it’s very important that you deviate from consuming the aforementioned foods and drinks!!!
Proper diet to follow:
(Consume 100% Fruit for Diabetes)
Fruit (Fructose) goes thru what is called Cellular Infusion. Fruit Sugar (Fructose) infuses the natural sugars and turns into ATP and ADP which means that there’s need for glucose since insulin carries glucose so in essence there’s no need your Pancreas to perform these tasks while on an all fruit diet. This will allow your Pancreas CLEANSE, STRENGTHEN & REVITALIZE itself at an accelerated pace!
How To Consume The Diabetes Reverser
Upon receiving The Diabetes Reverser Bundle please strictly use The 2oz Pouch of The Cell Revitalizer to get your kidneys properly filtrating to begin ridding your body of the very toxins that’s responsible for Type 1 Diabetes & Type 2 Diabetes.
Work on getting your kidneys filtrating for at least 10-14 days.
During this stint please make sure you’re follow The Speedy Healing Dietary Protocol (100% Fruit for Diabetes)
After this stint you may begin consuming the remainder of The Diabetes Reverser Bundle daily simultaneously as recommended below.
Fruit (Fructose) goes thru what is called Cellular Infusion. Fruit Sugar (Fructose) infuses the natural sugars and turns into ATP and ADP which means that there’s need for glucose since insulin carries glucose so in essence there’s no need your Pancreas to perform these tasks while on an all fruit diet. This will allow your The Pancreas CLEANSE, STRENGTHEN & REVITALIZE yourself at an accelerated pace!
The Pancreas Restorator-Consume 1 TBSP, 3 times Daily
The Cell Revitalizer-Consume 1 TBSP, 2 Times Daily
The Gut Resorator-Consume 3 Capsules Daily
The Parasite Eliminator-Consume 3 Capsules Daily
The Blood Purifier-Consume 3 Capsules Daily
-To Maximize the Benefits of The Diabetes Reverser:
PLEASE follow The Speedy Healing Dietary Protocol while consuming The Mind Body & Soul Restorator in order to reap optimal benefits. (All Fruit Diet)